The IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL) is a highly respected, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing early-stage, impactful research in various aspects of computer architecture. The journal covers a broad range of topics, including both uniprocessor and multiprocessor computer systems, microarchitecture, workload characterization, and performance evaluation methods. It also addresses the important area of power-aware computing. Submissions are encouraged across all facets of computer architecture, with particular emphasis on areas such as microprocessor and multiprocessor systems, interconnect architectures, memory and cache systems, and the interactions between compilers, operating systems, and hardware. Additionally, the journal welcomes studies on power and thermal challenges, independent validation of existing results, analyses of unsuccessful techniques, and innovative designs for domain-specific processors, including those for embedded systems, graphics, and networking. Real-time and high-availability architectures, as well as reconfigurable systems, are also key areas of interest, making CAL a comprehensive forum for advancing the field of computer architecture.