How to create your first Android application

Android Studio is a robust integrated development environment (IDE) for creating Android applications, claimed to be a user-friendly interface that combines powerful coding, debugging, and testing tools. It is equipped with a built-in emulator for testing apps across various virtual devices and a "flexible" build system using Gradle to manage dependencies and compile applications.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to build a minimal Android application which does almost nothing.

Create an Android project

To create an Android project, open Android studio and on the welcome screen select new project. From new project window, select Empty Activity.

Provide and application name e.g. MyFirstApp. Enter a unique package name for package name such as com.example.myfirstapp. Select a path for the project. Then, click on finish.

Wait for Gradle to finish initial setup buildings and sync.

Then from the top right menu bar, select the emulated mobile phone type and press on Run App as follows

Congratulation, your first empty application will be running. This will open a mobile phone emulator and you can interact with your application.

If your computer is not fast enough, this step might take a bit of time.

Software and digital electronics / Coding
Posted by admin
2024-10-30 21:32
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